Welcome to OW Warehouse - the new face of Blackwell Supplies
We are the exclusive distributor of Dentomycin Periodontal Gel.
We also supply a range of practice essentials; Sylc therapeutic prophy powder 4 in 1 treatment: Cleans, Desensitises, Repairs
and Whitens in just a few minutes, Nusonic NAC solution for instrument cleaning, Hogies eyeguards, sunguards and the versatile Hogies Loupe system manufactured by Martin Hogan in Australia which combines eye protection with magnification.
As well as this we also distribute Odontopaste a zinc-oxide based endodontic dressing used to reduce pain, as well as to maintain a bacteria-free environment within the root canal.
Information about adverse event reporting can be found for the UK at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard and for Ireland email : medsafety@hpra.ie
Adverse events should also be reported to OW Warehouse, Medcare House, Gillingham, Kent ME8 OSB or by telephone: 01634 877525
OWWAREHOUSE is a Trading Style of Optident Limited.